The Western Ohio Region (WOR) of the Sports Car Club Of America Solo events are held under the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) Solo Rules.
The WOR Supplementary Regulations are modifications, clarifications, and additions to the SCCA Solo Rules. The SCCA Solo Rules can be found online at
TypicalEvent Schedule
Site Opens 7:30a
Registration/Check in 7:30am – 8:30am
Tech Inspection 8:00am – 9:00am
Novice Walk 9:00am
Driver’s Meeting 9:15am
First Car Off ~10:00am (earlier if possible)
Event Entry
A competitor may only enter an event once.
A maximum of two competitors may compete in the same car per heat at an event.
Work Requirement
All competitors are required to work the event. Work assignments will be assigned by the worker chief. Failure to work will result in disqualification and could result in being barred from future events.
Workers on the course must be on their feet at all times while cars are running.
The number of entries per class will determine the work/run order.
The safety of the event participants and spectators is of primary concern. Please cooperate with the Safety Stewards and event officials. Drivers are responsible for the actions of their crew and guests.
Everyone entering the event site must sign the waiver form and wear a wristband. Wristbands must be worn on the wrist. Wristbands may not be attached to clothing.
Competitors are permitted on the course during competition only during their assigned working time. The worker stations and off limits areas may not be used for watching or timing cars.
Speed in the paddock and grid is limited to 5 MPH (slow walking speed)
Tire warm-ups, brake warmups and burnouts are prohibited.
Legal speed on adjacent public roadways must be observed.
No person may ride on any vehicle coachwork or trailer at any time at the event site except for direct course setup or tear down. Drivers violating this regulation will be disqualified.
Passengers age 12 and over are allowed to ride with competitors.
No one under age 12 is allowed in grid.
Cameras carried in vehicles must be safely and securely mounted. Handheld cameras are not allowed.
Loaner helmets will be available for drivers, but must be picked up just before the run and returned directly after the run.
Pets must be enclosed in a vehicle or on a leash at all times. No pets are permitted in the grid or staging areas. Please pick up after your pet.
Unsafe or inappropriate behavior will result in expulsion from the event site and disqualification without refund
Numbers / Class Letters
Cars must display clear, legible numbers a minimum of 8″ high and class designations a minimum of 4″ high on both sides of the vehicle.
On multiple driver cars, only one set can be showing to avoid confusion.
Masking tape will be provided to mark/number vehicles if needed.
The use of magnetic or static cling material is HIGHLY encouraged.
One or two-digit numbers are preferred.(i.e., 0-99) Exception: Where there are two drivers in one car, in one class, then the second driver will be 100 plus the first driver’s number. (i.e., 30 and 130, 99 and 199)
Timing and Scoring
The timing trailer is off limits during competition. If you have questions regarding your timed runs, please direct them to the Event Chair.
Course Design
The Event Chair, the Solo Chair, or delegate may drive the course for the purpose of evaluation in a vehicle other than his/her own entered car without penalty or being subject to protest.
Passengers may be permitted on these runs at the discretion of the Solo Chair.
If a course change is made for safety or clarity, any previous competitors may be offered re-runs at the discretion of the Event Chair.
The Event Safety Steward must approve any refueling or fuel containers of any type in the grid area. Proper fire prevention devices must be readily available during refueling.
Drivers should stage vehicles in the order determined by the grid worker. Two driver cars will be staged separately.
Drivers are expected to be ready to run when it is their turn. Drivers not with their vehicle and ready to run may forfeit that run.
No one under age 12 is allowed in grid.
Score is based on the best single run time plus any penalty.
A penalty of 2 seconds is added for each pylon knocked down or displaced from its box.
A Did Not Finish (DNF) occurs when a competitor leaves the defined course and reenters the course at a different point from the point of exit, e.g., missing a gate, or if two wheels leave the paved surface of a course.
Reruns will be governed by the SCCA Solo Rules.
A competitor red flagged on course will be granted a rerun provided they come to a safe and complete stop and then exit the course through the finish.
A competitor encountering a displaced pylon or any unsafe condition during a run will be granted a rerun provided they come to a complete stop, identify the discrepancy to a worker, and then proceed through the course at reduced speed.
Protests and appeals
Protests and appeals must be written and specific, following the SCCA Solo Rules.
The Solo Chair will appoint a Protests and Appeals Committee from members who are knowledgeable competitors. The committee(s) will not include the Event Chair or the Solo Chair.
Final appeal is to the WOR Executive Board.
Fees are as follows: Protest$5.00 Appeals$5.00 WOR Board Appeal$25.00
Season Championship
Each class in which there are drivers that have competed in the minimum number of events will have year-end trophies.
Event points will be earned only if the competitor is an SCCA member.
Event points are not transferable between classes.
Points will be awarded relative to the official class winning time.
Event points will be awarded as follows: Points = 100 x (900 x ((Entrants time – class winning time)/ Class Winning time) Online Calculator Points are rounded to the nearest whole number The maximum number of points awarded for a non-winner is 99.99 points The minimum number of points awarded to any competitor is 20 points Disqualified competitors are awarded 0 points
Competitors must compete in at least half plus one of the points events to qualify for series awards in class. (Example: six event series – must compete in three plus one, or four total) If there are an odd number of events, competitors must compete in half rounded up to qualify for series awards. (Example: five event series – must compete in 2.5 rounded up, or three total)
The total points accumulated will be used to determine Class Champions.
Ties will be broken by counting the number of wins. If the number of wins are the same, the number of seconds will be counted, and so on.
Championship awards will be presented at an awards banquet to be held after the completion of the series. The banquet time and place will be advertised in the Rev Record and on the WOR web page.
Special recognition awards
A Solo Driver of the year award may be presented at the awards banquet. Nominations/suggestions should be provided to the Solo Chair.
A Solo Novice of the year award may be presented at the awards banquet. Nominations/suggestions should be provided to the Solo Chair.
The Solo Chair in conjunction with the Solo operations committee may present other season driver/worker awards for extraordinary effort, improvement, or service to the WOR Solo program.
Litter control
Please do not litter. Any competitor or spectator found to be littering, defacing or damaging property belonging to WOR, its sponsors, or event site owners can be disqualified and/or ejected from the event site. Penalties will be applied at the discretion of the Solo Chair.
Check rule
Any fee paid by check and returned to the WOR Treasurer for any reason will result in a $50.00 service charge.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs will be permitted at any event. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification from the event and ejection from the event site.